Posts Tagged ‘Europe’


World Nomads has launched the Travel writing scholarship 2014.

Students and nonprofessional writers from any nationality (but with
exceptional written English skills) are invited to submit applications for
this travel writing scholarship.

Three aspiring writers will win a 10-day travel writing trip across
Europe. They will also attend a two-day workshop in Berlin, Germany. They
will then travel to multiple destinations alone and document their trips.
Apart from the trip, the winners will also be enrolled in a travel writing
course with 3 months unlimited access to the course.

The scholarships will cover airfare, accommodation and travel insurance.

Deadline to apply: 15 May 2014

Find out more:



The competition

What does Europe mean to you? Relaunching Europe invites you to participate in an exclusive EU-wide photo competition to celebrate the ‘European Year of the Citizens’.  Show us your creativity and photo skills to get a chance to win stunning prizes including a city trip for two to the 2014 European Capital of Culture (Riga), a train pass to travel around Europe or a compact photo camera!

There are two categories in which you can enter:

“My vision of Europe”

Europe brings together people and cultures and shows that by working together we achieve more than we achieve alone. What type of Europe do you want to see? Europe brings together people and cultures and shows that by working together we achieve more than we achieve alone. Do you want to see a more inclusive Europe? A Europe where people from different cultures meet and where barriers are broken down? Do you want a greener Europe? A more prosperous Europe?

Send us your photos of people, events or places that represent these and other ideas about the future of Europe.

“Europe in my daily life”

The European Union has brought many benefits to people across Europe: paid holiday, maternity and paternity leave, enhanced consumer choice and protection, the ability to travel, live and work in another country and a cleaner environment, to name just a few.

What does Europe mean to you? Send us your photos of people, places or objects that show the role of Europe in your daily life.

Details here.

(c) Relaunching Europe

Inscrie-ti organizatia la Premiile Active Citizens of Europe (ACE). Organizatia ta merita sa fie premiata la nivel international! Mai poti aplica pana pe 27 septembrieFundatia Chance for Life in parteneriat cu Volonteurope va invita sa aplicati la cea de-a 7-a editie a Premiilor Active Citizens of Europe (ACE).
Pe data de 17 octombrie, in Bucuresti, va avea loc Gala Premiilor ACE la care vor fi premiati voluntari, organizatii non-guvernamentale si companii din toate tarile europene.
Anul acesta, Fundatia Chance for Life, ca membru activ Volonteurope, faciliteaza organizarea acestui eveniment international in Romania. In cadrul Galei de decernare a premiilor pentru voluntariat international, Volonteurope a ales sa organizeze o sectiune speciala dedicata organizatiilor din Romania pentru a oferi tarii gazda posibilitatea de a recompensa organizatiile active in domeniul voluntariatului si de a fi recunoscute la nivel international. Astfel, invitam cat mai multi reprezentanti romani sa aplice la
Gala Premiilor ACE face parte dintr-un eveniment anual de renume care a ajuns la a 22-a editie: Conferinta ‘Active Citizens for Europe’. In acest an, conferinta va avea loc in contextul Anului European al Cetatenilor 2013 si va reuni peste 100 de specialisti implicati in promovarea cetateniei active din toata Europa. Volonteurope, ca parte din Alianta privind anul european al cetatenilor, a lucrat impreuna cu Comisia Europeana pentru indeplinirea obiectivelor stabilite pentru acest An. Astfel, Conferinta ‘Active Citizens for Europe’ va aborda teme cheie legate de cetatenia activa in Europa, cum ar fi: participare si implicare democratica; voluntariatul ca expresie a cetateniei active; drepturi umane si justitie sociala in UE; voluntariatul in domeniul educatiei.
Evenimentul se va desfasura in perioada 16-18 octombrie 2013 in Bucuresti. Inscrierile la Conferinta ‘Active Citizens for Europe’ se pot face aici plus, in cadrul conferintei, pe data de 17 octombrie, va avea loc si un Targ de Economie Sociala. Targul va facilita intalnirea dintre firmele interesate sa includa in strategiile de Corporate Social Responsibility masuri care pot contribui direct sau indirect la dezvoltarea economiei sociale si organizatiile care activeaza in acest domeniu. Participarea la targ este gratuita si inscrierile se fac Mai multe detalii gasiti in invitatia atasata.
Fundatia CHANCE FOR LIFE este o organizatie neguvernamentala care isi propune dezvoltarea comunitatilor din Romania prin intermediul copiilor si tinerilor. Prin campanii sociale si educationale care provoaca oamenii sa gandeasca diferit, prin programe care ofera suport emotional si social pentru copii si tineri, Chance for Life formeaza spiritul civic al romanilor, contribuind astfel la dezvoltarea durabila a comunitatilor din tara noastra.


The Assembly of European Regions – AER is currently looking for an intern
to work for a minimum of 4 months at the AER Sub-Committee on Youth within
the AER Committee on Education, Culture, Youth, International Cooperation.
Assembly of European Regions (AER) is the largest independent network of
regions in wider Europe. Bringing together nearly 230 regions from 35
countries and 165interregional organizations, AER is the political voice
of its members and a forum for interregional co-operation.

– You are a University student, preferably in your final years of study
and with experience in one of the areas of the Sub-committee’s work
– You have excellent language skills
– You have basic computer skills (text processing, charts/spreadsheets,
– You are interested in discovering how a European organization works

Should you be interested in such a position, you would need to be
open-minded, organised, proactive and eager to work in a multi-national

Starting date: September 2013

Duration: 4-6 months

Location: Strasbourg (F)

Renumeration: The AER offers a premium for interns. The amount depends on
the duration of the internship.

Please send your CV and cover letter at your earliest convenience to Ms
Anastasia KIRILOVA, a.kirilova(at), Tel. +33(0)

Deadline for applications: 6 September 2013

More information:

2nd IOC Young Reporters Programme


Get your pens, cameras and microphones at the ready! The second cycle of
the International Olympic Committee’s Young Reporter Programme has now
been launched.

The sports journalism training initiative will bring together 30 young
reporters, aged from 18 to 24, from the five continents, Africa, Americas,
Asia, Oceania and Europe, and run during the Nanjing 2014 Youth Olympic
Games next August:

The group will also include young news-crafters from China (the host
nation for the 2014 YOG), Norway (the host nation for the Lillehammer 2016
YOG) and the Argentina (the host nation for the 2018 YOG).

Once at the Games, they will live in the Youth Olympic Village with over
3,600 athletes and receive intensive class and field training from some of
the top names in the business in print, photographic, television, radio
and new media.

Interested? If you are a university student studying journalism or perhaps
already a young professional working in media, the first step is to get in
touch with your National Olympic Committee who will nominate Young
Reporters on the basis of performance and promise. The Continental
Association will then select two male and two female journalists to
represent the continent.

So if becoming a Young Reporter sounds good, then get in touch with your
NOC ( and we could see
you at the second Summer Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing, China, next year.

More information:


What do you think about Europe? What does “Jumping the borders and
boundaries” mean to you?
Do you think about precarious situations that showed you your very own
limits? Mentally or physically? Have you perhaps realized how to overcome
interpersonal barriers while staying abroad? Did you ever try to walk the
edge and see how far you can go?
Or do you think of frontiers between countries complicating people’s
entries and preventing them from achieving their personal future plans?

It doesn’t matter what kind of border or boundary you are thinking of,
tell us your opinion in the 6th Youth Contest Europeans involved –
“Grenzerfahrung Europa – Jumping the borders and boundaries.”‘

There are two categories: A video- and a writing contest. It’s up to you
if you present your statement in a short video or in an essay, a story or
a report.

Participating is easy:
Register on and upload your video clip and/or text from
2nd of April until 31st of August 2013. Your competition entry will be
online at and can be seen and voted for by your friends
and other visitors. Users will be able to vote for your entry until 15th
of September 2013 (for voting, you have to be logged in). The text and the
video with the highest number of positive votes win a public’s choice

The final decision will be made by an independent jury in October 2013.
The winners in both categories will be announced shortly after.

Prizes Video contest:

1. Prize: 700 Euro
2. Prize: 500 Euro
3. Prize: 400 Euro
4. – 10. Prize: 100 Euro

Prizes Writing contest:

1. Prize: 700 Euro
2. Prize: 500 Euro
3. Prize: 400 Euro
4. – 10. Prize: 100 Euro

Public’s Choice Award: 200 Euro for the text and the video with the
highest number of positive votes.

Entry deadline: 31st of August 2013

Who can participate?

People from European countries who are between 13 and 30 years old can
participate. If you are (or were) abroad with YOUTH IN ACTION,
participated in a youth exchange, EVS or another project located in the
EU, you are very much invited to join in.

Read more:


The European Food Safety Authority offers all year round periods of
in-service training, which enables trainees to put into practice the
knowledge they have acquired during their academic studies or professional
careers in the areas of science, communication or administration.
The traineeships take place within the fields of activity of the European
Food Safety Authority. Aplicants are thus kindly invited to consult EFSA
organigram to identify the organisation area they may be interested in:

– The traineeship is open to citizens of EU Member States and acceding
countries who have completed the first cycle of a higher education course
and obtained a full degree or its equivalent by the date of the
– Traineeships are offered for a minimum of six up to a maximum of twelve
– Trainees will be awarded a grant of € 1.071,19 per month.
– Applicants are kindly invited to read carefully the EFSA Executive
Director’s decision on the acceptance of trainees for an in-service

Candidates should complete and sign the EFSA in-service training
application form
( )
and send it, in pdf format or equivalent, to the following e-mail address:

Every application will be added to a database of eligible candidates which
will be used by the Authority in order to select the trainee applications
which better suit EFSA’s needs. Every application will have validity of
one year from the date of its submission. Successful candidates will be
contacted to agree on the starting date and will receive a placement offer
signed by the Executive Director

For more information:

(c) EFSA